What is a QR Code and Infographic

Quick Response Codes are Here to Stay

Quick response codes, commonly referred to as QR codes, are commonplace in Japan and are on the rise in the US. These little boxes seem to be showing up on everything, and whether you utilize them or not, they are becoming pretty hard to ignore.

What is a QR Code?

Similar to barcodes used for finding prices on groceries, a QR code is simply a scannable image used to acquire additional information about a product or service. Consumers are able to scan the image using a QR code reader app on their smartphones. QR codes are becoming a favorite tool for marketers since they quickly and easily direct people to additional product info, websites, coupons, and more.

What’s Driving the Increase?

Over the past year, QR use has gone up 4589% percent — but, what’s the reason for this massive growth? The biggest influencing factor is the popularity of smartphones. It is estimated over 53 million people in the United States use smartphones, and they are always on the lookout for apps that offer benefits and ways to simplify their lives. QR codes are free to read and generate, which makes utilizing this technology a no-brainer for both advertisers and consumers alike.

Also, more and more shoppers are realizing there are perks to being a QR code user. Those familiar with the technology are drawn to packaging or signs with the symbols because they expect to get a coupon or deal after scanning the code. Word of discounts tends to travel fast, which helps to further push the popularity of QR codes.

How to Take Advantage of this Trend?

With the rapid increase of QR usage, not utilizing this tool in your marketing strategy would be a massive oversight. It is one of the few offline ways to drive traffic to your website and generally brings more attention to your brand. However, consumers become frustrated with poorly executed codes. Follow these simple rules to ensure you use this technology effectively:

      1. Make sure your website is optimized for mobile use – There is nothing quite as irritating as taking the time to scan a QR code only to be directed to a website that doesn’t display properly on a smartphone — a sure way to lose customers. Ensure your site is mobile friendly.
      2. Offer a Reward – Most shoppers won’t take the time to scan your code if they don’t expect to get something out of it. Try providing some type of incentive to keep consumers engaged.
      3. Understand Your Customers – For any marketing strategy to work, you must know what your customers want. Pinpoint what they hope to get out of using your QR code (coupon, recipe, instructions, etc.) and offer that reward.


Who Can Use Them?

QR codes work great for every type of business — big or small. You can display them on packaging, magazines, signs, posters, coupons, business cards, and even on TV and internet advertisements. Every day, marketers are coming up with creative ways to use this innovation, and consumers are recognizing that the codes are fun, easy, and worthwhile.

Don’t let your business get behind the curve. Instead, start using this cost-effective way to further connect with your customers.

QR Code Infographic

QR Code Infographic

  • Miramaducdoc

    I have been seeing QR codes in most of the products i am buying. I think having this in goods and products are more safe than having just tags.Also having QR codes in business and products can make the provider of the goods more innovative and in trend and easily accessible via computer.

  • Tao

    It is interesting that woman use QR code more than man. In general, male like those IT stuff more! Once find a QR code in a Fire Door. I suppose it is for instant input the current location for fireman to find you! Who invent QR, so smart!!

  • Thomas Lim

    The QR code took us like a storm, and will be here to stay for good. The advantage here is that even the mobile phones can be used to scan these codes, and is therefore very practical and convenient. Unlike the traditional bar codes used in supermarkets, these things are designed for everyone’e use. I really think this is just the start of a new generation in bar or laser codes, and will have a great impact on the retailing industry.

  • http://twitter.com/bashabasha22 bashabasha

    Oh wow! Such a good article. I just wonder what is the meaning of ” QR codes” but now I’m fully understand what it is and how it will works when we apply this in the website. Its a great feeling to know this things ,of what the good impact that brings to the website if we use QR codes.. Thanks for sharing a interesting article. Keep it up!

  • Manroks23

    This is an advancement in the technologies and the needs of QR codes is increasing everyday,and this article has given few important tips on using this device more effectively and make great use of them…..

  • A K Rao

    This is an interesting article about QR code! Yes with the iphones gainingthe popularity in the market people are taking advantage of this feature to have additional information about products and other services. The added benefit of getting some incentives while using this QR codes like getting some free coupons making the use of this very popular within very short time! Thanks for sharing!

  • Rusale Baga

    It’s a nice article. Now I know what is QR code really means. And upon reading this article it enables me to gain more knowledge about where QR code is used. I am really amazed because my friend has shown me a QR code reader in his phone and I don’t know what was that thing. Now I am aware of it. Thanks to this article.

  • Darshiprakash

    Your article gives a clear cut explanation to the QR codes. Newbies can easily understand a lot about QR codes after reading this article, the pictures are very useful to understand the theory very well. Good article which impressed me to read again and again

  • Josh T Josue

    QR codes was greatly discussed in your article. NO wonder it is becoming popular in US and Japan. THanks for the information and I’ll surely keep on reading your future articles.

  • Misbakhul Munir

    gr codes seem very complicated, but it is very useful and mostly used in recent technologies

  • Szeto Ching

    Due to today there are more and more people have the smartphone. And therefore the QR code becomes much more popular. It is very convenient and it is also cool to use it.

  • priya

    For the first time i hear about the QR code. This article is very much useful to me to get the details easily. I like the simple way of writing.

  • darshika

    For the first time i am hearing about this QR codes, your article explains it very well, quite interesting information in simple English

  • Allayza853

    well, and now i know what really is it means the QR code. it’s a nice article and easy to understand for the readers. This is good for the people who has a business big or small and those who are planning.

    good job! cheers!

  • Giovs

    i give A on this

  • juneajith

    it’s a real insightful article with graphs and stats for better underrstanding. i had no idea about QR codes before and even i can understand this in my first reading.
    The question answer format of information is really good for first timers reeading about it. Keep up your good work.

  • Anonymous

    Very valuable points are put in simple form. The explanation on QR code is very clear and comprehensive.It is consistent to say the fact that today the advertizements or the webcontent on the products must be customers oriented.

  • http://www.facebook.com/VladWeber Vlad Weber

    QR code is a great invention people made. I’m making mobile apps currently and find it really cool to implement QR codes into them. I’m amazed at QR code coupons Snappii app builder allows to create. They are really helpful for small businesses.

  • http://www.sparklogix.com/ Richard Morrison

    We agree! QR codes are very cool! Thank you for visiting our blog. Check back often!